Welcome to the Immaculate
Heart Community

The Immaculate Heart Community, an inclusive ecumenical community, seeks to create access for all persons to truth, equity, justice and peace through spiritual development, education, the arts, and taking action that fosters care for the Earth and all beings.

A History of Action

Since our founding, our Community has worked to alleviate human suffering, build bridges of connectivity, stand with the marginalized, resist injustice and protect the planet. Witness our journey through this video.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

LA Shorts International Film Festival 2024
Opening Night
Sponsored by Immaculate Heart Community
Festival runs July 17-28

Friday, July 19, 2024

Lunch & Learn Lecture Series - Celina Alvarez
of Housing Works

Friday, August 16, 2024

Lunch & Learn Lecture Series - Rabbi Heather Miller
on “The Ethics of Money”

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