Commission FOR


Faith Hope Action

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Consistent with Immaculate Heart Community’s commitment to Social Justice. Our mission is to live with reverence for all creation, while remaining acutely aware of our interdependency. 

IHC believes that one of the great moral issues of our time is the degradation of our environment. Elevated CO2 emissions have sped up the effects of global warming resulting in a loss of resources for millions of people around the globe. The resulting poverty and despair of these impacted communities has increased the flow of immigration to less affected regions of the world where feelings of xenophobia have often given way to violence.

Guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Earth Charter, the Beatitudes and Laudato Si, we seek to elevate our understanding and reduce our contribution to this moral threat. “With reverence for all Creation” has particular meaning for our time as there is little doubt and rich evidence that her resources are diminishing, as are other life forms. We openly declare our commitment to foster a renewed understanding and re-experience of our unity with the natural world.

With a reverance for all creation in our choice of work and living style, and in our use of time. talent and money, we hold ourselves accountable to God.



our other commissions

I50 years


Transformative societal growth through the education of women and girls stands as one of Immaculate Heart Community’s most enduring legacies.

CLICK HERE for more information on Immaculate Heart Community’s Commission For Women.